Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Organising Commitee Meeting 191207 (Final Meeting)


With Allah's grace we finally reached this far before the actual day for the camp on 26 December 07. As agreed the final meeting started at abt 5.30pm. Smell from the kambings filled the air so we decided to go the conference room for our one last meeting. One kambing was dead and was lying terbongkang outside the kandang. (ok this is gg out of point)

Anw this last meeting has 2 agendas:


Ustaz Ismail has assured us that there will be about 40 participants for the KABA camp. 6 more KABA students will be joining us... 30 tapak sucis and some make up the children of muhammadiyah members' families and friends. (there's a twist behind this. for more info please ask nurul huda.. haha. enough of sarcasm..)



0830: Facilitators assemble at Pusat Muhammadiyah
Advanced party make their way to Christine camp on a van (driver bro Rahman accompanied by Zhafran, Ilham and Nafiz)
0900: Arrival of participants. Grouping and introduction to each grp member. (the rest of the facis will be helping Ustaz Ismail here)
1000: Depart to Christine Camp
1145: Welcome address and Kuliah Iftitah (1) by Ustaz Rahim
*facis need to set up the challenge rope course
1245: Zohor and lunch (served hidang in a dulang- due to change if participants find it uncomfortable?)
1515: Ice-Breakers (eg grps would have to create a "group cheer")
1545: Challenge Course/ frisbee/ football/ dodgeball (rotation- 2 grps per activity/ 40 min per activity)

Challenge Course (Ikhwan in- charge):
1) crawling under rope
2) climbing a single rope (to collect an item for eg. a balloon at the top of the tree)
3) stair case rope
4) end to end
5) spider web

Dodgeball: played in the hall (might be a wet weather programme)

2100: NightWalk
lights in the camp will be switched off
"ghost stories" will be told to the participant before they are being blindfolded and led to the starting point. they would then be allowed to open their blindfold where they would need to follow the trail to collect some clues. (they might be allowed to bring along their torch)
lightsticks will be used to guide the participants.
*facis would need to set up the lightsticks earlier (ustaz says during their wash-up though I don't agree with it)


0530: Wake up/ Subuh / Quran reading (participants read Quran themselves)
Kuliah(3) by Ustaz Mursalin/ Ismail
0700: Physical Activity by Ilham and Nafiz Kong
0800: Bila Kapalku Pecah? (Ustaz Ismail in-charge)

Bila Kapalku Pecah?
Participants need to "save" 2 items in an emergency and they would need to give reasons why they would need the item

1030: Rafting/ Challenge Course/ Frisbee/ Football/ Dodgeball

4 bottles + PVC poles + ropes and plastics will be given
they would then be required to build a raft
the raft will be tested to find the best
participants would need sit on the raft and a rope is tied to the raft before they need to paddle out (more passengers better raft)
*safety kayak will be around monitoring the rafting: bro Rahman and bro Adam? (any faci able to kayak will be allowed to kayak)

1500: Kuliah(4) by Ustaz Johari
1630: Treasure Hunt
clues will be scattered around the camp. Ustaz Ismail preparing them.
2030: Siapalah aku? (at campfire pitch)
participants will b given a subject where they would then need to discuss and present their ideas in a forum.
the panel in the forum is made up of the participants


0900: Letter to myself/ prize presentation
sort of reflection where participants will be given some questions to get feedback from the participants abt the camp

I want someone in the comm to take photos and videos and keep a journal abt what happens during the camp. It will be important for publicity of any future KABA camps. Since I won't be there, I really love to hear about the outcome of the camp.

ok. thats abt it. I've tried to be specific and precise esp for those who couldn't turn up for the meeting. any questions, jangan malu jangan segan tanya je. k. thanks.

Selamat belated hari raya HAJI

-signing off hafizz-
loving mind games always. i always play it with ustaz. anyone wanna join us??

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