26 December – Wednesday
– mingling amongst group members, came out with group name, leader and assistant leader.
-how points were given to each group
12 noon:
Kuliah by Ustaz Johari (while the faci set up challenge course)
Participants find it
- Helpful
- Interesting but draggy
Rate: 7/10
Wacko (ice-breaking thingy)
- went through smoothly, much support from the participants
- participants loved it (saper tak suker kan bantai2 org)
- they were able to interact very well with one another
- had loads of fun and laugh
However, girls did not get the chance to participate much.
Rate: 8/10
Torture Chamber
(participants tortured by 2 facis. If the participants shout their name out, it means that they surrender, lose)
Participants find it
- funny
- enjoyable
- thrilling
- pitiful (of their friends who got tortured)
- gerek
However, the girls can’t participate (get tortured la) but they had fun laughing at the boys getting tortured. heh. eeeviiil!
Rate: 9/10
Challenge Course – obstacles
-everyone participated
-wet and dirty (makes it more exciting)
- physical challenge (run, balancing, climb up the rope, etc)
Participants’ view
- gerek, best
- tiring
- needs more stations though
Rate: 8/10
Frisbee/soccer/captain ball/netball (games)
-bond with one another
Views from participants
- at first fun but then it’s too long. That’s when it started to get draggy
- ‘bolehlah, tak fun sangat’
Rate: 6/10
- Facis find it rather interesting.
- A lot of fun scaring the participants at some points.
- Also, help the participants when the walking gets tough (when there’s slope/ need to climb up/ cross canal)
- Light sticks placed along the trail to make sure everyone was on the right track
Views from participants
- thrilling
- some think that it’s not as scary because they knew that it’s the facis who tried to scare them (but seriously, not all of them were the facis, sey. trust me)
Views of facis
-The facis did a good job of helping participants to make sure it’s safe to walk.
- it’s really thriling and they had so much fun (either scaring or helping)
Rate: 9/10
27 December – Thursday
Physical activity
-Like PE
-Warm up
- Exercise in the morning
- Ilham and Nafiz led
- girls hate it (duh. Dah mandi sey pagi-pagi abeh belum ape-ape dah berpeluh and penat)
- regimental sey
- Lack of creativity. It’s nothing special.
- Needs to be more interesting
Rate: 8/10
8.30am (after breakfast):
Bila Kapalku Pecah
Participants’ opinions
- those who had to present felt very nervous
- at first they’re shy. However, after a while, they were okay with it.
- Excited ( to show others how they would use their items during emergencies)
- Teamwork (brainstorm)
- Timing just right. In the morning ( fresh, can think), just enough time for brainstorming and it’s not draggy.
Rate: 8/10
Merge 2 groups together. (4 small groups initially)
1 group 10 ppl.
Participants really show a lot of support in this activity.
They really wanted to finish their raft on time.
Also, they put a lot of strength in it as they really wanted the raft to support ALL their weight so that everyone could go into the sea together.
Participants’ views
- enjoyable
- have the sense of satisfaction ( both rafts actually FLOATS with all of them on it)
- had loads of fun- play with water, get wet
- an experience for them. They know how to build a raft, given a list of materials
Facilitators’ views
- a success (we thought they wouldn’t be enthu abt it but it turned out otherwise)
- fun for us too as we were able to join in the fun ( and this is when facis sebok2 sit on the raft – contributing to the weight-, sort of raced, some facis had fun kayaking while teaching the participants how to paddle and also to ensure the safety of everyone =))
Rate: 10/10 =D
Kuliah was cancelled (Ustaz couldn’t come)
So after Zohor and Lunch,
Ustaz Ismail brief them about ‘Siapalah Aku’,
and this is when the participants get together in their groups and brainstorm on what to do/ what to say during the whole forum ( about global warming. SO interesting sey! )
Also, they played dodgeball conducted by Ikhwan while the other facis searched for places to put the items for treasure hunting and telematch.
5.15pm, After Asar
Telematch/ Treasure Hunting
- Stations to with tasks to be completed
- 1st group completed the tasks AND got all 4 items for treasure hunt won =D
TELEMATCH - Views! (participants)
- for girls, the station where the needed to score goals (penalty kick thingy) was difficult. DUH.
- They ran around like mad and tire themselves up.
- Limited time ( 1h 15 mins to complete both the telematch and treaure hunt). So, it’s challenging.
TREASURE HUNTING – views! (participants)
- tiring but fun
- difficult to find the treasure coz there are no clues whatsoever but they found them anyway.
Views! (facilitators)
- It’s not very hectic for us. It’s more on the participants’ part to run around, find things and finish stations etc.
- tgk dorg lari, kiter yang penat sey. Haha!
Rate: 8/10
Siapalah Aku ( abt global warming ), Campfire
Talk about global warming very bad and all but then in the middle, we burn wood for campfire.
- Test of self- confidence and presentation skills
- By then, participants were not as shy as before coz they already bond with one another. Tak malu2 la kire.
- This is when we found our Camp Idol ( like Singapore Idol gitu ).who sang twice. After the forum and the closing of the whole campfire activity.
- And the campfire was when participants bakar potatoes ( serious nye tak de kerje lain) for fun.
Ends at around 10.45pm.
Views (participants)
- they find the whole discussion thing sort of light-hearted. Had fun, tak serious sangat.
- Also, find it amusing when they look at the people trying SO hard to bakar potatoes but in the end the potatoes ended up IN the fire ( ade yang sampai 3 kali sey try but then FAILED) Hahaha!
- The so-called Idol nye voice very soothing..
- However, there are some points when they got bored
- ‘Api at first besar sangat, rase bahang sey’
Views (faci)
- those who didn’t participate in the whole forum got bored easily.
- We had truckloads of fun la and the burning potato thing is fun but no point. Haha!
- The forum went well
- It felt great!
Rate: 9/10
28 December – Friday
Physical activity:
- warm up
- play games
- not draggy so it’s okay.
After that, breakfast and then kemas-kemas.
Prize Presentation
Best group, Best Individual ( Guy and Girl), Best facilitator (Jannah AND Ikhwan won!).
Okay anyway, the facilitators vote for best Individual, best group is based on their points and best faci is based on the participants. =D
All in all, it was fairly successful. And everyone had loads of fun lah that’s for sure.
- By Farahain-
Camp Reporter cum Analyst
(reporter sounds like some random makcik kepo, sey)
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Camp Report
Posted by
Ikatan Pelajar
11:09 AM
Labels: 2007 camp
Saturday, December 22, 2007
2008 Activity Planning
this was what that had been agreed upon the meeting we had over lunch
[month]-- activity-- location [action by]
[jan/feb]--movie screening-- pusat [jannah]
[mar/apr]--sports and games--outdoor [irsyaad &ikhwan]
[july/ aug]--sports and games--outdoor [irsyaad &ikhwan]
[sept]--iftar ramadhan--pusat [all in comm]
[october]--perjumpaan hari raya--pusat [huda hafiz]
[nov/ dec] --camp KABA --outdoor [all]
Time of activities: during madrasah day, Sunday, monthly
Description of activities:
1) movie screening (approx. 2hrs)
· tsanawià eg English Islamic documentaries or movies like “Kingdom of Heaven” or “the Kingdom” (can find out more from Ustaz Hanafiah)
· ibtidaià eg Islam related cartoons that shows stories of prophets
after the movie screening would be the explanation by ustaz.
(done in 2007 but the movies obviously bore the students)
2) sports and games (approx. 2hrs)
· tsanawi
boysà street soccer tournament for boys where each class would send at least 2 teams. (possible to have a joint- activity with MAI)
girlsà netball tournament
boys/ girls à handball tournament
· ibtidai
minisportsday at east coast park/ pasir ris parkà telematch games
3) outing/ outdoor activities (approx. 4 hrs)
· ice- skating at snowcity
· dragonboating/ canoeing (possibly the most feasible??)
· visit to cemetery
· museum visit
4) Iftar Ramadhan (1st week of Ramadhan)
lecture: guide to ramadhan
Iftar (free food) inviting the parents
Night- cycling?
5) Hari Raya celebration (3rd week of Syawal)
involving all from ibtidai to tsanawi
best dressed competition etc.
6) KABA camp--> hopefully by then its easy to get support from the KABA students
i am counting on Jannah to do our proposal. it will be emailed to ustaz Rasman by 26 december 07. if he accepts the proposal, insyaallah i will try my best to spearhead each activity. all i need is your fullest support. i will be fully responsible for each activity. we share the burden. we strive as one.
May Allah be With Us.-hafiz-
everwilling to squeeze all these btwn my tight timetable.
Posted by
Ikatan Pelajar
12:20 AM
Labels: 2008 activity
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Organising Commitee Meeting 191207 (Final Meeting)
With Allah's grace we finally reached this far before the actual day for the camp on 26 December 07. As agreed the final meeting started at abt 5.30pm. Smell from the kambings filled the air so we decided to go the conference room for our one last meeting. One kambing was dead and was lying terbongkang outside the kandang. (ok this is gg out of point)
Anw this last meeting has 2 agendas:
Ustaz Ismail has assured us that there will be about 40 participants for the KABA camp. 6 more KABA students will be joining us... 30 tapak sucis and some make up the children of muhammadiyah members' families and friends. (there's a twist behind this. for more info please ask nurul huda.. haha. enough of sarcasm..)
0830: Facilitators assemble at Pusat Muhammadiyah
Advanced party make their way to Christine camp on a van (driver bro Rahman accompanied by Zhafran, Ilham and Nafiz)
0900: Arrival of participants. Grouping and introduction to each grp member. (the rest of the facis will be helping Ustaz Ismail here)
1000: Depart to Christine Camp
1145: Welcome address and Kuliah Iftitah (1) by Ustaz Rahim
*facis need to set up the challenge rope course
1245: Zohor and lunch (served hidang in a dulang- due to change if participants find it uncomfortable?)
1515: Ice-Breakers (eg grps would have to create a "group cheer")
1545: Challenge Course/ frisbee/ football/ dodgeball (rotation- 2 grps per activity/ 40 min per activity)
Challenge Course (Ikhwan in- charge):
1) crawling under rope
2) climbing a single rope (to collect an item for eg. a balloon at the top of the tree)
3) stair case rope
4) end to end
5) spider web
Dodgeball: played in the hall (might be a wet weather programme)
2100: NightWalk
lights in the camp will be switched off
"ghost stories" will be told to the participant before they are being blindfolded and led to the starting point. they would then be allowed to open their blindfold where they would need to follow the trail to collect some clues. (they might be allowed to bring along their torch)
lightsticks will be used to guide the participants.
*facis would need to set up the lightsticks earlier (ustaz says during their wash-up though I don't agree with it)
0530: Wake up/ Subuh / Quran reading (participants read Quran themselves)
Kuliah(3) by Ustaz Mursalin/ Ismail
0700: Physical Activity by Ilham and Nafiz Kong
0800: Bila Kapalku Pecah? (Ustaz Ismail in-charge)
Bila Kapalku Pecah?
Participants need to "save" 2 items in an emergency and they would need to give reasons why they would need the item
1030: Rafting/ Challenge Course/ Frisbee/ Football/ Dodgeball
4 bottles + PVC poles + ropes and plastics will be given
they would then be required to build a raft
the raft will be tested to find the best
participants would need sit on the raft and a rope is tied to the raft before they need to paddle out (more passengers better raft)
*safety kayak will be around monitoring the rafting: bro Rahman and bro Adam? (any faci able to kayak will be allowed to kayak)
1500: Kuliah(4) by Ustaz Johari
1630: Treasure Hunt
clues will be scattered around the camp. Ustaz Ismail preparing them.
2030: Siapalah aku? (at campfire pitch)
participants will b given a subject where they would then need to discuss and present their ideas in a forum.
the panel in the forum is made up of the participants
0900: Letter to myself/ prize presentation
sort of reflection where participants will be given some questions to get feedback from the participants abt the camp
I want someone in the comm to take photos and videos and keep a journal abt what happens during the camp. It will be important for publicity of any future KABA camps. Since I won't be there, I really love to hear about the outcome of the camp.
ok. thats abt it. I've tried to be specific and precise esp for those who couldn't turn up for the meeting. any questions, jangan malu jangan segan tanya je. k. thanks.
Selamat belated hari raya HAJI
-signing off hafizz-
loving mind games always. i always play it with ustaz. anyone wanna join us??
Posted by
Ikatan Pelajar
11:31 PM
Labels: 2007 camp
Monday, December 17, 2007
IPK Logo
hey. i've specially designed a logo for IPK. its simply for publicity purposes next year. i hope u ppl are okay with the logo. i would defintely appreciate if i get any comments.
"PLAY BY THE RULES" signifies that our commitee wil try our best to bring back fun to our madrasah through the many activities we have in mind. nevertheless, while playing, we still need to observe and follow the necessary rules that had been outlined for us as Muslims.
May Allah guide us all to His Path.
Posted by
Ikatan Pelajar
11:23 PM
Labels: objectives
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) in the eyes of European Scholars
Posted by
Ikatan Pelajar
4:34 PM
A Letter From Umar Al- Khattab
its applicable to us all.
Posted by
Ikatan Pelajar
3:56 PM
reasons for pessimism
assalamualaikum wrt.
these are the latest updates for us all.
1) the survey to Christine Camp
postponed next Sunday 16th december 07. facilitators, please make every effort to turn up.
2) last minute publicity
brochures for the KABA camp has been released last friday 7th december 07 to members of muhammadiyah after the friday prayers. ustaz therefore needs 2 volunteers to take charge of the registration booth for the camp next friday 14th december 07. (any volunteers??? i will contact 2 of you to help if nobody is willing to take the job)
ustaz rasman also intends to advertise on the papers.
3) overall results of calls to KABA students by IPK commitee
0% of those called are going for the camp.
list of reasons by the students varies as follows:
a) not interested
b) $45 is too expensive
c) i have other plans (eg family gathering etc)
d) i don't know!!!
the list isn't exhaustive. i'd love to know what do you think of the possible solutions and improvements that should be made for any future activity by KABA? do note that we do not have the support of the KABA students if it still isn't clear to you in the list above.
4) the issue of participants.
so far alhamdulillah, there are 5 potential participants. thats confirmed. i've consulted ustaz rasman again yesterday and the number of turnups from Tapak Suci is not confirmed. yet again. he assumed that 30 of them will turnup.
from related sources: ustaz ismail seems to have problems finding participants. (i've yet to have ask him abt this)
guys, do remain optimistic about the outcome of the camp as urged by our ustaz.
do keep in mind however that i have my rights to be pessimistic about this camp, judging from the above situation and i do make a sound judgement.
its just too bitter learning from our own mistake.. a second chance might never come.. learning from the our history would certainly have been better. don't u ppl agree?
keep wishing for the best.
hafiz. trying hard to be optimistic. signs off.
Posted by
Ikatan Pelajar
11:07 AM
Labels: 2007 camp
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
organising commitee meeting 051207
heyys assalamualaikum to all
the attendance for today's organising commitee was the great. Ustaz Rasman, Ustaz Ismail, me, Muhyie, Jannah and a guy from tapak suci whom i don't know his name. It lasted for about an hour.
Ok basically we've got nothing to worry about the camp (though ustaz ismail confessed that he was abit worried of the turnup from KABA itself) ustaz rasman told me to stay optimistic though i tried suggesting some methods to make the our students come. this camp is simply about participation and it doesn't matter where the participants would come from. they are really desperate for participants. so, any tom, dick and harry down the road if you are interested in attending our KABA camp, please do contact ustaz rasman or ustaz mursalin. anyway, $45 isn't expensive okay!!! ( with the increase in economic growth of singapore, the income of individuals increases therefore affordability increases - some economics knowlege..)
anyway we will be surveying christine camp this saturday 08 december 07 so that we have an idea what we will be doing there. details are as follows:
where to gather??? --> biasalah muhammadiyah
what time??? --> 0900hrs
what to wear??? --> suka hati korang lah. (irsyaad pernah tanya so here's the answer)
which asatizah that will be following us??? --> ustaz mursalin and ustaz ismail
attendance is compulsory. (cheyy macam betol semua datang) someone, please volunteer yourself to become cameraman for the day. pictures of the place would be nice to accompany this blog!
anyway regarding this blog, i'm getting exhausted typing what's in my mind. anyone is free to write your ideas in this blog esp those in the IPK commitee and not forgetting our the alumni rich with experience and wisdom. do as you wish to make this blog attractive. just as me for the password. nobody is completely in- charge of the blog. i believe everyone plays an important role in the commitee.
guys, i simply can't believe that after all these i have done, i will not end up at Christine Camp on 26 december 2007 Boxing Day. Pasir Laba Camp here i come... dang.
hafiz. sispec trainee. signs off.
Posted by
Ikatan Pelajar
1:52 PM
Labels: 2007 camp
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
KABA December 2007
Insyallah KABA will be having a camp for its students. This would be our second activity of the year. This should be the climax of our madrasah years. all of us in the commitee will be graduating unexpectedly.
Details of the camp are as follows:-
christine camp, jalan bahtera
26- 28 december 2007
only $45/ pax
many activities lined up for the participants.
Land, Air and Sea activities awaiting.
Some of the main highlights are Rafting, Challenge Course,
Night Walk and Soccer/ Frisbees. Prizes will be awarded
to outstanding individuals, participants as well as mentors. =D
List of mentors from the KABA side:
1)Tsanawiyah 4
- Ikhwan Risydah
- Syed Irsyaad
- Nur Farahain
- Abdul Muhyie
- Ilham and buddy (NAFIZ - who is a Pemuda-to-be)
- Zhafran
3) Aliyah 2
- Nur Atiqah
- Nurul Huda
- Fadilah
- Tarmidzi
4) Alumni
- Nurul jannah
- Abdur rahman
somewhat like this. Alhamdullillah Pemuda Muhammadiyah
will be assisting us. Anyway since i need to report for my NS
on 26 december 07 itself, Ikhwan will be the in charge of the
welfare of the committee members in IPK. Any concerns during
the camp, please do raise to this replacement of mine. Thanks.
Man, i'm really2 hoping that you guys have called the kids.
its damn worrying. Ustaz was overconfident that we do not
need any publicity. i had talked to them and they assured that
they can attract the students without the "power" of advertisement.
Verbal speeches don't work, really. Esp when its long winded.
the past Bukit Timah Hiking in July 2007 proved that advertising works.
where the turnup rates was really encouranging.
Ok brochure is done and i hope that it can be distributed by friday during solat jumaat. insyaallah.
-signing off-
Posted by
Ikatan Pelajar
4:12 PM
Labels: 2007 camp
bring back the memories.
I'll start off with a formal note.
Objective of this first blog for Ikatan Pelajar KABA (IPK):
1) reach out to the students in KABA
2) publicize our upcoming activity to the public esp those who are already in KABA
3) feedback and report from our past activity
4) sharing of ideas among the committee members
5) to update the absent committee about the past meetings we had
I understand this attempt might be too ambitious
but insyaallah with the Allah's grace, this technology
can be put to use so as to benefit us all.
I don't really learn about the history of KABA but you all should
have known that we have grown up through the golden years of KABA.
However, these past few years had been hard for us all.
many students withdrew from KABA when most influential figures (asatizahs)
either were sacked (i really still believe so) or simply gave up on us
(forgive me if i'm wrong). ok we stood still and firm.
I believe we are the
toughest bunch of students KABA ever produced. i know we can make
a difference and bring KABA up back to its good old days. I'll do my best
to lead through the upcoming activities. may Allah guide us all.
hafiz. chairman of IPK signs off.
Posted by
Ikatan Pelajar
3:43 PM
Labels: objectives