Sunday, October 26, 2008

Thank You All

I, Abdul Hafiz Anuar, Chairman of the Ikatan Pelajar KABA (IPK) 07/08 would like to extend my appreciation to the following individuals:

(1) Ustaz Rasman: for the guidance and the helpful thoughts that made the activities in 2008 possible.
(2) Ustaz Jani, Ustaz Ismail, Ustaz Hanafiah, Ustaz Md Abduh, allahyarham Ustaz Johari, Ustazah Zainab and the rest of the asatizahs of KABA

IPK members
(1) Abdul Muhyie: for helping me out in typing out my plans and passing down my instructions
(2) Ikhwan Risydah: for being the emcee and covering my duty up while I was in Thailand
(3) Zharfan: for being the one who brings the smile to our committee
(4) Syed Irsyaad: for being the one who comments alot
(5) Nurul Jannah: for being the most supportive.. wonderful prizes & presentation
(6) Nurul Huda: for the food.. burpp..
(7) Nur Farahain: for being the craziest.. the brochures and the posters
(8) Naqiyah: for bringing some hope that I can form a new committee

notable PEMUDAs
(1) Adib: for being there to help when I really need it (minisportsday & Iftar 08)
(2) Qhairil: for being the one who pops up during every event
(3) Hisham: for being there in movie screening..

All the IPK members will be leaving except me, Zharfan and Naqiyah. I hope to bring in a new committee of IPK members and mentor them in managing IPK and organising activities.

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