Monday, January 21, 2008

Bow Wow Ling

Assalamualaikom semue!

jawab la, kalau tak jawab dosa.

Anyways, since Leader has typed out an interesting entry for bowling thingy, I figured...
I also want my version, lehh! Biase lah kan. Taknak kalah.

So here it goes...

1st! (ok basically the only thing I wanna talk about)
I wanna thank every single one of you hotties/kongs for coming! =D

Here goes.
Thank u Jannah
Thank u Huda
Thank u leader
Thank u Ilham
Thank u Zharfan
Thank u Adam
Thank u Nazim
Thank u Adib
Thank u Rahman
Thank u mnhisham
Thank u Qhai

Eh! I actually terhafal all your names. So cool!

Hokay. Sesly I've NO idea why I did that.

Anyways, a very special thank kee youu - more special than getting a diamond new shoes soccer ball - to the superduperhotandlovely JANNAH for organizing the activity thingy!!! The booking part, the waiting-for-us part, the suggesting-me-what-to-wear part etc etc...

THANK KEE YOU, lehh!!! ^____^
ohh. And you people are like so lame, I can't even stop laughing laa!
lol lol!

Basically, the whole thing was like super fun lah sey!~
(i used the word 'fun' due to my veryy limited vocab)

So yeah.

(Thank You X 10 ^ Infinity) X 2 !~

Okayy. Before you ppl die in front of your comp (with the screen full
of the words 'thank you' staring at your pale face) due to reading
this whole chunks of words without any pictures -which is not yet
uploaded T_T - I think I better stop talking now.


Originally written by:
Yang benar, tak tipu2 nye. Dosa, sey

Farahain! =D

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