heyys assalamualaikum to all
the attendance for today's organising commitee was the great. Ustaz Rasman, Ustaz Ismail, me, Muhyie, Jannah and a guy from tapak suci whom i don't know his name. It lasted for about an hour.
Ok basically we've got nothing to worry about the camp (though ustaz ismail confessed that he was abit worried of the turnup from KABA itself) ustaz rasman told me to stay optimistic though i tried suggesting some methods to make the our students come. this camp is simply about participation and it doesn't matter where the participants would come from. they are really desperate for participants. so, any tom, dick and harry down the road if you are interested in attending our KABA camp, please do contact ustaz rasman or ustaz mursalin. anyway, $45 isn't expensive okay!!! ( with the increase in economic growth of singapore, the income of individuals increases therefore affordability increases - some economics knowlege..)
anyway we will be surveying christine camp this saturday 08 december 07 so that we have an idea what we will be doing there. details are as follows:
where to gather??? --> biasalah muhammadiyah
what time??? --> 0900hrs
what to wear??? --> suka hati korang lah. (irsyaad pernah tanya so here's the answer)
which asatizah that will be following us??? --> ustaz mursalin and ustaz ismail
attendance is compulsory. (cheyy macam betol semua datang) someone, please volunteer yourself to become cameraman for the day. pictures of the place would be nice to accompany this blog!
anyway regarding this blog, i'm getting exhausted typing what's in my mind. anyone is free to write your ideas in this blog esp those in the IPK commitee and not forgetting our the alumni rich with experience and wisdom. do as you wish to make this blog attractive. just as me for the password. nobody is completely in- charge of the blog. i believe everyone plays an important role in the commitee.
guys, i simply can't believe that after all these i have done, i will not end up at Christine Camp on 26 december 2007 Boxing Day. Pasir Laba Camp here i come... dang.
hafiz. sispec trainee. signs off.
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