Place: Muhammadiyah Association, Mussollah
Date: 3rd week of Syawal on a Sunday morning
Target Group: Tsanawiyah + Ibtidaiyah students & youths
Description of Event:
Participants will meet up with friends and asatizah during the 3rd week of Syawal so as to create a closer bond. Activities organized will make them understand the significance of Hari Raya Idulfitri and clear the misconceptions of Hari Raya.
Plan of Event: 1. Best-dressed competition
2. Nasyid / Quran reading / Hafalan competition
3. Lecture and discussion by Ustaz Ade Novli
4. Kuih sharing session cum salaman
5. Ketupat making competition
Logistics: 1. Lecture – IT equipments
2. Discussion – mahjong paper
3. Food & Beverages – Just for lunch
4. Ribbons – Ketupat making competition
5. Prize for best dressed competition
- hampers
- book prize
- Hari Raya Gift
Timeline: 0800 – 1300
0730: Arrival of guest & participants
0745: Opening by Quran recitation
0800: Opening address by Mudir & IPK
0815: Watch video then discuss (understand significance)
0900: Ketupat making competition
0945: Tea break (Kuih sharing)
1010: Hafalan competition OR sajak reading competition
1100: Short ceramah by Ustaz then brainstorming & sharing (clearing misconceptions)
1130: Prize presentation & certificate handing session (best dressed session)
1200: Eat cum interaction between parents & asatizah (create a closer bond)
Admin& Logistics => A. Muhyie & Zhafran
Events Planning => Ikhwan & Irsyaad - games & discussion
Advertising => farahain & Jannah - Brochure & Poster
F&B => Nurul Huda - lunch
Supervising => Ustaz Ismail & other asatizah
Task Definition:
Admin & Logistics : 1. Nominal roll
2. Score sheet
3. Equipment needed for the activities
Events Planning: 1. Improvements on events
Advertising & media: 1. Photography
2. Brochure & poster
3. Letter to parents & invitation
F&B: Lunch only
Supervising (asatizahs) : 1. Suggest improvement
2. Supervise the participants and interact wif parents
Asatizah: All
Facilitators: IPK members
Done by: Abdul Hafiz Anuar
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Hari Raya Celebration
Posted by
Ikatan Pelajar
8:51 PM
Iftar Cum Qiamulail
Place: Pusat Muhammadiyah
Date: 1st week of Ramadhan (6th – 7th Sept 2008, Sat & Sun)
Target Group: Tsanawiyah students & youths (optional for ibtidai??)
Asatizah: All
Facilitators: IPK members
Aim: 1) Make relation between students & asatizah closer
2) Educate them about the importance & significance of Ramadhan as a
Singaporean Muslim.
Description of Event:
Participant will gather and break fast together to create a bond. There will be discussions on Ramadhan. They will then be taught about the significance of “amal” like tadarrus and tarawih during Ramadhan where they will then practice together.
Plan of Event:
1. Break fast together.
2. Discussions and sharing of ideas about Ramadhan and general issues concerning
youths during the month of Ramadhan.
i) Aims for Ramadhan 2008 (Group sharing session)
ii) Challenges of fasting & how to overcome.
iii) Implication of fasting -> how to put into practice
3. Tadarrus Al-Quran
4. Qiamulail with imam from the participants
5. Sahur together
6. Movie screening
1730-1800: Arrival of participants and guests
1800-1805: Opening by Quran reading
1805-1815: Opening address by Mudir
1815-1845: Presentation- short sharing session by IPK members
*short lecture by ustaz
1845-1930: Buka puasa & solat Maghrib
1930-2015: Tadarrus Al-Quran
2015-2045: Solat Isyak
2045-2145: Solat Tarawih or watch video clip?? -> sharing about aims during fasting (Part I)
2145-2230: Brainstorming & sharing session (Part II- Challenges during Ramadhan)
- Implication of fasting month on being a better Muslim.
- “How fasting helps?” (Part III)
2230-2245: Light snacks (those who want to go home can do so…..?)
2245-2330: Educational treasure hunt
2330-0000: Wash up
0000-0400: Lights off
0400-0430: Qiamulail
0430 : Sahur
0545 : Solat Subuh
0600 : Short ceramah by ustaz
0630 : Wash up
0700 : Home sweet home
Logistics: 1) Food & drinks: Iftar & Sahur / Light snacks (sponsorship from parents…)
2) IT equipment: microphone, projector, laptop, loudspeaker
3) Writing materials: mahjong paper, marker, A4 size paper
4) Transport
Cost: 1) Transport:??
2) F&B:??
Task Allocation: 1) Advertising relations - For preparation: letter to parents & brochures
- During activity: Photographer
- Post activity: -> Jannah/Farahain ??
2) Logistics: IT equipment & writing materials -> ustaz Rasman
3) F&B: Iftar & Sahur / light snacks -> Huda
4) Brainstorming team: Agreement of plan & games -> All
5) Admin: Registration of participants / survey & feedback from participants
-> Muhyie/ Hafiz
6) Mentors & guests: for ceramah & discussion -> Asatizah & Ikhwan + Irsyaad
Conclusion: Aimed that this program would help them guide through the Ramadhan period to
become a better Muslim Singaporean.
Plan done: 8th July 2008
By: Abdul Hafiz Anuar
Lets do'a all would go well. Insyaallah.
Posted by
Ikatan Pelajar
8:48 PM